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Interior Consulting
I provide advice regarding paint colour selection, furniture layout, and product sourcing as well as styling your space.

This is an affordable entry into Interior Design. This service is done via email and provides my clients the ability to see what their space could look like. Within four weeks I’ll put together a design board, layout guide and source list of items to purchase so that the client can take the plans and turn them into reality on their own time frame.

For inquiries, please send an email to measurements, a short description as well as photos of your space and possible inspiration photos.

Full Interior Design/Decorating Service
This package includes all of the above and also includes custom furniture/textile selection, ordering services, shipping/delivery address assistance and installation oversight. I won’t stop until I find that perfect piece for your space!

All aspects of décor styling, art direction and even garden design.

C O P Y R I G H T ©  G E R A  D E  W E T  |  A L L  R I G H T S  R E S E R V E D  |  S I T E  D E S I G N  B Y  G E R A  D E  W E T
P L E A S E  D O  N O T  R E P R O D U C E  W I T H O U T  T H E  E X P R E S S E D  W R I T T E N  C O N S E N T  O F  G E R A  D E  W E T